Sunday, December 7, 2008

First Week of Weight Watchers

Well, I've decided to enlist the help of the Weight Watchers program. I joined last Sunday. I got a monthly pass that gives me access to all of their online tools as well as access to weekly meetings.

My point allowance is quite high right now due to the fact that I'm still nursing. At first I didn't add on the extra points for nursing because I thought I might not need them. By day 2 I was shaky, irritable, and hungry. So I added the points back in. It seems to be helping. So far I've stuck with it. I like that there's extra weekly points allotted. It gives me a chance to have bad days, as long as I balance them out with good days.

I had a bad day yesterday. My hubby had a Christmas party at his reserve unit (his last monthly drill ever). I didn't even eat that much of the food because it tasted horrible. But when I added up the points at the end of the day I'd eaten a lot. Granted, we also got Arby's for dinner, so that didn't help. Needless to say that I blew threw all but 10 of my weekly points. So I pretty much have to be a saint for the rest of the week. I'm doing good so far today.

One of the tools on weight watchers online that I love is their recipe builder. I can input the ingredients and amounts that I used in a recipe and then input the number of servings. Their tool will tell me how many points each serving is worth. That's pretty great because I do a lot of home cooking.

1 comment:

klalaw said...

Good luck to you! WW has been a great program for me, so I hope you have luck as well. And I LOVE the recipe builder - I like to see how my recipes can be improved by cooking with whole grains, lower-fat ingredients, etc.