Sunday, December 14, 2008

My 89.5 point day

Well, yesterday someone took us to a Chinese buffet as a Christmas gift. It was very nice and we've been hearing about this wonderful buffet for quite some time. So we decided to check it out. I tried really hard to make better choices while there. Other than 1 crab rangoon and 1 of those chinese doughnuts I avoided the fried foods. Honestly that's a major improvement as I love crab rangoon and those little doughnuts. Usually I load up on them, so one of each was good for me. I tasted sushi for the first time and really liked it!

That, in and of itself, wasn't horrible. Granted I blew threw all of my daily and weekly points. But I figure I'll stick with my daily points the rest of the week and throw in a few extra workouts. No harm done, right???

Wellll, then we get home from the buffet and Christmas shopping. T's friend (who was the one that took us out) and a couple of his other friends come over for movies. And what do they do later that evening? Make a pizza, ice cream, and beer run. Soooo...needless to say I had a few slices of pizza, beer, and some ice cream.

The grand total?? 89.5 points...eek! For those not familiar with weight watchers, this is more than twice the amount that I'm supposed to have in a day. The interesting thing is that if I would've eaten some healthy leftovers we had in the house for dinner (instead of the pizza, beer, and ice cream) I still would have been over, but not by nearly so much. I guess after a certain point I figured, what the hell, I've ruined this day. *sigh* That's the attitude that always gets me, that "all or nothing" mentality.

So anyways, I promised I'd report the good, bad, and downright ugly. This was the downright ugly. But today is a new day and I start fresh with my daily points. My weekly points are gone until Saturday, so I have to stick within daily points for the rest of the week. I'm going to try to get more activity in this week to help counteract yesterday's nightmare.

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